Monday, May 18, 2020

This is how you manage your pet birds

If you keep companion birds for companionship or hobby, you must know and comply with the animal welfare regulations for companion birds. Among other things, you must keep in mind that most birds are social animals. The main rule is that they should be kept in pairs or groups. If you still keep a bird alone, it must have close social contact with a human.

A stimulating environment is an important factor for birds to be able to behave naturally. The environment in the cage or aviary (birdhouse) should be such that the birds can occupy themselves. Things such as flying between sticks, climbing, gnawing on things or looking for food, stimulates them to carry out their natural behaviors. Every day, the birds should also have access to a space where they can fly freely.

Feed and water

Different bird species have different needs when it comes to food. You should therefore adapt the amount of feed and the type of feed to the species and the way in which you keep the birds. If you keep several birds together, all birds should be able to reach the feed without interfering with each other.

Pet birds should have free access to water. Bird species that have high metabolism should have free access to feed. Species shorter than 15 cm and species that mainly eat nectar, fruits or insects often have high metabolism.

Birds with special needs should also have free access to feed. These include birds that are kept outdoors during the cold season. Their feed must contain enough energy for the bird to produce heat itself.

Some of the bird species we hold for companionship and hobby need to have access to digestive gravel. This is especially true of the species that eat seeds without first peeling them.

wing Trimming

For young birds to learn to fly, all wing trimming is prohibited for birds less than a year old. Even for adult birds, flight ability may only be limited if they cannot be trained to use a flying harness. In these cases, wing trimming may occur once a year, e.g. to enable outdoor cages in the summer.

Birds outdoors

It is allowed to keep companion birds outdoors. If the temperature is lower than the species is used to in the wild, the birds must be given time to get used to the lower temperature. They should always have access to a room where the temperature is higher than 0 degrees. You must also make sure that the birds are protected from rain and wind and that they have access to shade during the summer.

It is permissible to use a so-called flying harness. The flight leash must be handled by a human and must not be attached to a fixed object. It is not allowed to attach a bird using a foot ring.

If your birds get sick

A bird that is ill, injured or shows other signs of ill health should be given the necessary care as soon as possible. Contact a veterinarian if you notice that your bird is not feeling well.

Avoid infection

With the right knowledge, you can reduce the risk of infection between animals and between animals and humans. To the right you will find information on hygiene rules for keepers.

The environment where the birds are kept

Minimum space

Pet birds need plenty of room to move around. The width of the space where a bird resides must be at least twice the length of the bird, but at least 45 cm.

The birds should have perches

Most companion birds need perches. The exception is species that only live on the ground. The perches should give the birds the longest possible flight distance in the cage. The sticks should be positioned so that spillage does not contaminate the animal's feed and water and be adapted to the size of the bird's feet. It is good if there are perches that are different rough so the bird can exercise its grip.

Also consider this:

  • In cages for terrestrial birds , the bottom of the cage should be covered with litter. The interior of the cage should allow the birds to seek protection.
  • Bathing cage birds should have clean bathing water. The bird bath must not be deeper than the birds bottom.
  • Birds that are sand-bathing should have access to clean and fine-grained sand.
  • You can read more about the regulations in the Swedish Agricultural Agency's regulations and general advice on the keeping, breeding and sale of pets. The regulations are on the right.  

In some cases, you need a permit

If you carry out professional activities with birds, you need permission from the county administrative board. The same applies if you rent, store or feed other cages to a greater extent. An operation is more extensive when it is run with six or more storage areas.


The county administrative boards are responsible for the local control of the Animal Protection Act.

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This is how you manage your pet birds

If you keep companion birds for companionship or hobby, you must know and comply with the animal welfare regulations for companion birds. Am...